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Events & Meetings
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No Title Date Hits
23 Notice of 5th meeting of ISO/TC 221, Geosynthetics 2004-06-24 2348
22 New Announcement of ISO TC 221 Meeting(2004), Seoul, South Korea. 2004-06-24 2865
21 Who we are? 2004-06-16 1928
20 Updated Call for Proposals for MPEG-21 Intellectual Property Management and... 2004-06-16 1840
19 Call for Proposals on Spatial Audio Coding 2004-06-16 1795
18 Draft Call for Proposals on Symbolic Music Representation 2004-06-16 1874
17 FINAL ANNOUNCEMENT OF ISO TC 221 MEETING(2004) 2004-06-16 1974
16 Proposal from the Paradise Hotel at Busan 2004-06-16 2088
15 Proposal from Westin Chosun Hotel 2004-06-16 2268
14 JTC 1/SC 37 Plenary Meeting 2004-06-07 2416