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Welcome to KATS

Welcome to the Korean Agency for Technology and Standards Web Site!

Nations across the globe are now facing an era of borderless and unlimited competition in global market. Under these circumstances, International Standard, which is used as a tool for dominating global market, is not a matter of choice- it is the most important ingredients of the competitiveness and economic progress of the nation and enterprises.Moreover, economic and social developments have led to broaden standard's role and its scope from manufacturing to services, human rights and ethics. As a consequence, standardization is strongly committed to promote industrial development and enhance the quality of life of the people.

In step with the new global economic and social environment, the Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS) is focusing on boosting national economic growth and being a platform toward knowledge-based society through development of strategic policies for evolving relationship between standards and technology, along with the relationship between standards and industry. KATS also seeks to create more convenient and safe environments via standardization.

Furthermore, KATS strives to adopt a new paradigm for standardization. Of particular note, KATS develops and implements a new bottom-up approach aimed at strengthening support for stakeholders from private sector to participate more actively in standards development process.

And, by reinforcing support for standardization activities for enterprises, KATS makes its best efforts to create a business-friendly environment.

More than the above, KATS, representing all the ministries in the field of standardization as National Standards Body of the Republic of Korea, plays a key role in international and regional standardization organizations such as ISO, IEC and PASC.

We sincerely hope that all the visitors are kindly reminded that our website is the open place where every individual and every enterprise are always welcomed and their views are heard.

Thank you.