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Events & Meetings
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No Title Date Hits
43 ISO/TC 119 Plenary and SCs Meetings 2006 2006-09-21 4000
42 ISO/TC 164 Plenary and SCs Meetings 2006 2006-06-24 3778
41 IEC/TC 40(Capacitors and resistors for electronic equipment) Jeju Meetings 2006-05-31 4575
40 Supercapacitor Technology & Trend Seminar 2006-05-29 5015
39 ISO/TC204(Intelligent Transport Systems) Busan Meetings 2006-04-24 4756
38 ISO/TC 215(Health Informatics) Jeju Meetings 2006-04-02 3481
37 ISO/TC 71 (Concrete) Plenary Meeting 2005-11-28 5038
36 ISO/TC 205 (Building Environment Design) Plenary Meeting 2005-11-02 3366
35 TC159/SC4/WG2 (Visual display requirements) Meeting 2005-10-24 3678
34 ISO/TC150(Implants for Surgery) Plenary Meeting 2005-10-10 5192